BackofHouse.info is a free online resource to enable you to get anonymous feedback from your team – to prevent discrimination, harassment or other harmful situations.


Your workplace should be a protected space, and this resource is designed to help your team communicate through delicate situations. BackofHouse.info gives your team a tool to help them bring to light harmful or inappropriate behaviour, in order to find solutions for change.


As a company, you will need to register (for free) in order to use this resource. This is for several reasons;

  1. To be able to create your form and share it with your team
  2. To be able to receive any feedback and
  3. To prevent any abuse of this platform

Once registered, you can create your own bespoke form, or you can use our example as your template. When you’re ready, you can simply share the link with your team.

When and if someone fills out and submits a form, you’ll receive an email to let you know, then all you need to do is login and you can review it.